Saturday, March 29, 2008

How can I improve my Driving Record?

Register your leadership is one of the factors used by your insurance company to determine your insurance rates. Naturally, we all want clean " & quot; leadership so that the rates would be very expensive. But how can you improve your record of leadership or what are the factors that contribute to a poor driving record and ultimately will cost you money?
accidents. If you have accidents within 3 years or even 5 years, and then you get to pay more. Why? Obviously you cost more than the insurance company in repairs. Have you heard the new accident forgiveness program? You pay 5% or more of the outside, and your insurance company will forgive you of the incident and keep your rates the same. But guess what? Most insurance companies do so anyway. The 1 accident and if I was fortunate and have a good history with them, all the same. 2 The incidents in the period of 3 years and are great in trouble.
speeding tickets or other traffic tickets. Statistically, if you get a ticket, then you tend to participate in the accident sooner or later. In some States, and you get points added to your driving record for such violations. Some pretty high and some do not have any points. If you accumulate a lot of points, you will get a driver& 39;s license revoked. Therefore, you do not want any points. If you get to control speed, ask the officer if he could give you command of dangerous or something that is not tied to a point. Insurance companies look at your points.
credit report. Why? Report your credit? Yes, if you are a good citizen, pay your bills, then your insurance rates will be lower in most cases. If you do not pay all your bills on time and your credit. Rating Low, and then you statistically at the highest risk to the insurance company. I know he does not sound fair, but the & 39; s truth.
i know the game of figures and statistics is not fun and you may think I am making this all up, but insurance companies hire people with degrees of mathematics and made them sign the results of the rates of form. So-called Actuaries. Statistics they use to protect the insurance company profits.
so What can you do? No speed or obtain any tickets. Clothing your seatbelt to avoid another ticket. And pay your bills on time. As my mother says, be careful " & quot;, and not have any accidents.
stuart Simpson freida vicky

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